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Writer's pictureAllie Feng

What is Saline Tattoo Removal?

About Saline Tattoo Removal

Saline tattoo removal was historically being done with a simple usage of a pod of saline and a salt. However, this may be harmful to the skin and may cause some pain as well.

Today, fortunately, there are available specially formulated solutions that can be used for this treatment. Each brand of saline solution works unexpectedly and differently, with the additional ingredients bringing any kind of effect to the implant method, healing, and results.

By using a hand tool or tattoo machine, the saline removal solution is being implanted on the treated skin area and it resulted in the salt to dry out on the skin it is being implanted into. During the treatments, you will notice that the scab contains a portion of the tattoo, and during the healing period, the treated skin will form a dried-scab.

Here is the way saline tattoo removal works:

  • The saline tattoo removal solution is used and applied to the skin similarly that the pigment was initially positioned. The solution that is used for the procedure contains ingredients such as purified water, finely processed sea salt, orange seed extract, lemon seed extract, and aloe.

  • The lightening/tattoo removal solution makes a scab over the treated skin area that will tumble off without you doing it, as the skin recuperates naturally. After the scab tumbles off on its own time, the new skin will be revealed.

  • During the recuperating process, the undesirable pigment appends to the scab and is adequately pulled up and out by the scab.

  • Recuperating or healing is a natural process that necessitates that the scab is kept dry consistently until it tumbles off on its own.

  • The process can be done once again, especially if it is needed in order to eliminate or fully remove any remaining pigment on the skin.

  • Full lightening can require 3-5 meetings or sessions, conceivably more. "Lightening " pulls out the pigment layer by layer, so the greater pigment has been put in the territory, more meetings or sessions will be needed to haul it hard and fast.

  • Some of the time if " partial lightening "is already enough or necessary, one meeting or sessions might be everything it needs.

Who is a good candidate to undergo the saline removal procedure?

You can be an ideal candidate to undergo the procedure if you only have small tattoos (no greater than a deck of cards) or permanent makeup/ microblading ( eyeliner, eyebrows, lip liners, and so forth).

Or if you don't have any health condition or severe skin problem that may prolong the healing process.

Who is not qualified or should avoid saline removal?

  • Those individuals that are under 18 years old

  • If you're pregnant and lactating women

  • Individuals with glaucoma

  • Individuals with skin illnesses, for example, psoriasis, dermatitis, and undiagnosed rashes or rankles on the specific area that will be treated with

  • Those individuals that are prone to post-inflammatory hypo-pigmentation or keloids

  • Those individuals with transmittable blood conditions like Hepatitis or HIV

  • Those individuals with active skin cancer in the treated area

Patients going through chemotherapy. A doctor's note or approval is needed for any person undergoing chemotherapy to avoid any complications at the end.

  • Those individuals who are a hemophiliac

  • Those with hypersensitivities to liquor or numbing agents

  • Those individuals who have uncontrolled high blood pressure, healing disorders, and mitral valve Disorder

Is it true that Saline Tattoo Removal is better than Laser?

Contingent upon the nature and quality of the ink that was utilized, it very well may be much more secure to utilize the saline removal procedure.

Why? With the saline removal technique, the ink is pulled out of the skin into a scar that tumbles off versus with a laser where the ink is being absorbed by the body. Also, the way that with saline removal, treatment is being done with the use of saline otherwise known as salt and water, which is proven as safe by nature.

Contingent upon the shade of your tattoo (particularly if there's white ink in it) the saline solution may be a more viable or effective treatment to use. Why? Well since laser removal works with specific wavelengths of light, which must be coordinated up to the shade of the tattoo so they can be removed. On the off chance that the laser doesn't have that specific hue, it very well may be difficult to remove the tattoo. This is always the situation for white ink since it mirrors all tones and lasers can't distinguish or remove it.

Laser sessions can be more costly compared to saline removal with costs beginning upwards at $500 in every session versus $150-$250 in every saline tattoo removal session.

For individuals with hazier or sensitive skin, this is an incredible option since it can forestall scarring from occurring.

What does the aftercare of saline tattoo removal look like?

When the procedure is already finished it is ideal to let the wound dry recuperate.

Be that as it may, on the off chance that you work at high-risk offices, for example, schools, gyms, and emergency clinics take note to ensure to cover the wound to stay away from any infections.

It is important to remember that don't ever pull off the scab. Just let it tumble off in a natural way or else it probably won't recuperate appropriately, or be finished with the osmosis process of lifting the ink.

In many cases, the wound may introduce some lymph fluid drainage as well. All things considered, simply blotch the area using a clean paper towel yet try not to rub!

Likewise, make a point not to utilize any makeup or cosmetics on the wound as it will postpone recuperating and may even contaminate the area.

Lastly, try not to wet the wound during your shower. Keep in mind that the specific area must be left dry for the best outcomes. After the scab tumbles off, you may utilize vitamin E oil (only 2 or 3 drops) in order to re-hydrate the skin.

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